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My Personal Experiences: I asked and I recieved

*Quick thoughts for this coming week* 

This past weekend was just too good to me! You wanna know why?? Two Words... General. Conference. I am tremendously thankful for our prophets, thankful because they are one of the ways that God shows love for us and cares for us, by sending them to guide us in these hard days, that they will encourage us and uplift our spirits to show us that this is the true gospel and if we are obiediant to the commandments and all things that the Lord asks us to do, we will be able to see him again and receive the beautiful promises he has for us when we return with him. 

This upcoming week I decided to start up a few things that I tried but kind of died down because I just didn't feel like doing it anymore. This week I want to start Reading Scriptures,  Study Preach My Gospel, Being active by resuming my box training and continue to do it, and last one is recognizing all things good in my life. 

I will be sharing with you a small experience I had, and as you can see, its about asking and receiving a answer from our Heavenly Father, read on to see what my experience was about and how God is there to answer our prayers. You just gotta have faith

 I've been in a weird situation where I had asked an important question to my heavenly father, "Should I go on a mission? Is that what you know I should do?" For the past 3 months I have been stuck on the whole Dentist thing, where you have to get your wisdom teeth out and be cleared to go on a mission, physically. Sadly, we have been struggling with some plans that keep changing on us and extends even more time until I can serve a mission. Last week was when this question hit me hard and The thought of "Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't go on my mission, maybe I should just stay here, after all, every time I feel like I'm almost done with everything to turn in my papers, something always comes along and makes me wait longer." 

I was devastated in knowing that maybe that was an answer. Then, as I had that continually had that question stuck in in the back of my head, I just had to ask, ask my father in heaven what was the plan.

I prayed real hard, and with all my heart to know the answer. I sat there waiting for at least a small thought from the holy ghost that will let me know what I should do. But there was nothing in mind, for the first time I felt my mind go blank. Funny when you need it to be blank, its full with ideas, but not this time.

As this past weekend came around with General Confrence I was set on finding my answer. Surley, I got it. Two of the talks that were shared on Sunday afternoon expressed to me the importance of a Misson. Joaquin E. Costa's talk about how he only wanted to be a member because of the girl he wanted to marry, but it didn't turn out how he expected. Simply, because a missionary, shared a scripture that not only touched his heart that he cried, but that also changed his life. Seeing how just because missionaries listened to the spirit, Joaquins view on why he wanted to get baptized changed, now he had children who served missions, he married in the temple and is part of the Seventy. 

S. Mark Palmer shared how to be Christ like and show love to others so they can change, as he mentioned missionaries who struggle with things and how he wanted to help them be more obedient to the rules, I then thought "I can be an obiedant missionary" in all confidence I really believe I should be called to the work, because I have that desire to show others the way of the Lord.

To be totally honest, it was amazing. Hearing all these moving stories about when one recieves an answer from god and how they learn to recognize the spirit without thinking twice if it is or not. It was amazing because I received my answer. I was able to recognize that the holy ghost helped me in that moment, the fact that as soon as I heard the word missionary in some talks, reminded me of the desire I've had since I was in primary. I saw it and really touches my heart, because he's there for me, he hears me. 

I've also been thinkin on good reasons why I haven't gone on a mission yet , maybe all these last minute things are happening because the place that I'm going is preparing a family for me, or thag I will help a certain person because God planned it. The possibilities are endless and I'm more than ready to serve the Lord, to bring others to him and share the life changing love he has for us and the opportunity to receive the blessings he has for us such as the atonement. Blessings await for us here on earth and in heaven. 

This coming week, I invite you to ask that one question you have that you need an answer too, pray and find out what the lord has planned for you. It could take a day (like me), or weeks, but through the time, really have your heart opened for any prompting from the holy ghost, it could happen at anytime, anywhere. Because of this experience my testimony on prayer grows and grows as I come to see the miracles and wonders that are given to me. I invite you to do the same, Ask


Do you have any experience where you had a question and you received an answer? 

Returned missionaries,I would love to hear your experiences and also advice for those who are preparing for a mission. It would be great to hear your thoughts :)

Thank you for reading and I hope that this week is a week for you to find new ways to become better than last week! 

••Much Love, Karla Denise 💘••


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